Tuesday 30 August 2016

Our predictions - Science Fair Experiement

We will investigate how ice cubes melt when sitting on different conductors/insulators of energy.  In a previous investigation we tried sitting ice cubes on a metal tray and a plastic plate.  To our surprise the ice cube on the metal tray melted much faster than the ice cube on the plastic plate!

These are the different options we will try:

Plastic container
Metal pot
Glass jar
Glad bag
On a table

Reef - The wooden box will melt last and first will be metal pot.
Niah - Slowest is going to be the plastic one, fastest will be the metal pot.
Jack - I think the cardboard box will be the first one to melt and the last one will be the paper one. Marlin - I think the metal pot will melt first and the wooden box will melt last.
Calla - I think that the last one will be the cardboard and the first one is going to be the metal pot.
Charlize - I think the ice will melt faster in the metal pot and slow in the plastic container.
Sarah - I think the ice cube in the feathers will melt first and the wooden box will melt last.
Korah - The first one is going to be the metal pot and the last one is the plastic container.
Connor - I think that first would be the paper and the last will be the plastic container.
Reed - I think the fastest one might be paper and the last one will be the Gladbag.
Ava - The first might be the plastic container and the last will be paper.
Declan - I think the fastest one would be the cardboard and the slowest one would be the paper.
Amber - I think if you put it out in the sun the metal one will melt fast and the plastic one will melt slower.
Thomas - I think the metal pot will melt the fastest and the slowest will be the plastic container.
Zacqlin - I think the first might be the table and the last will be the paper.
Violet - I think that the metal one will go first and the plastic one will go last.
Ashton - I think the metal pot is going to melt first and the plastic container is going to melt last.
Zara - I think the wooden box will make it melt first and the table would make it melt last.
Rhyot - I think the metal pot will melt first and the plastic container will be last.
Aroha - I think the metal one will go first and the wooden one will be the last.
Zana - The feathers will melt first and the metal pot will melt last.
Masen - The metal pot will be the first one and the plastic container will be the last one.
Tobias - The paper will be the slowest and the metal will be the fastest.


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